Halibut Fishing in Seward, Alaska Make a Reservation
Fishing Season: Apr - Sept
ProFish-n-Sea Charters specializes in delivering unforgettable Alaska halibut fishing charters. Over the years, we have built a loyal following. Our captains have pioneered some of Seward's most productive fishing grounds and continue to work tirelessly to provide our clients with the finest Halibut charters in Alaska. Instead of heading back to the same fishing spots day after day we are continually on the hunt for new and uncharted places to find halibut. From remote islands and offshore banks to subtle rocky structures overlooked by other fishermen, we know where to find great halibut fishing in Seward.
ProFish-n-Sea Charters' Seward, Alaska fishing season
Pacific Halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis |
Good | Good | Peak | Peak | Peak | Peak | Peak | Good |
ProFish-n-Sea Charters' Seward, Alaska fishing season
Good | Good | Peak | Peak | Peak | Peak | Peak | Good |
Good Good
Peak Peak
Experienced Fishing Guides
We've found over the years that the difference between an average halibut charter and a great one is often the passion and knowledge of the captain and crew. For our captains, guiding is their passion. Ensuring that our guests have a fun, safe, and productive trip is our priority. Anyone can get lucky and catch a big halibut from time to time, but it takes experience, extensive local knowledge, and a love for fishing to produce top catches on a consistent basis.
For us, every day is a brand-new adventure and our goal is to make your halibut charter an unforgettable success so you will want to come back again and again. Whether your dream is to catch a "barn-door" or just to take home some tasty halibut fillets for the barbeque, we will work tirelessly to provide you with the ultimate Alaska fishing trip.
Alaska-Sized Halibut Facts
We're always asked, "How big do halibut get?" They are the biggest flatfish in the world, and one of the biggest fish period. The largest sport-caught halibut in Alaska was the whopping 482 pounder caught by a 77 year old angler in 2014. Over the years however, there have been reports of much larger fish that have been caught on commercial gear. Our largest fish was a 333 pound behemoth caught in late August using a salmon head/herring combo with a United Composites stand-up rod and an Avet HX reel. (Find out more about our tackle here.)
In Alaska the average size of a sport-caught Pacific Halibut is around 15 pounds, but fish much larger than that are taken every day - fish plenty big to give you a tough fight! Every season, dozens of lucky fishermen haul halibut over 100 pounds from the waters around Seward. Last season we landed numerous halibut over 100 pounds and released a few others.
What is a "Shooter"?
Halibut are much stronger than they look. Gliding as effortlessly as they do through the water, you'd think they would be easy to land ... But don't be fooled by their usual calm demeanor in the water. Break their head above the surface and you'll awaken an angry thrashing beast! Many unfortunate anglers - and the boats they were on - have been severely thrashed by large halibut that weren't subdued before being dragged into the boat.
For that reason, we normally shoot fish over 80 or 100 pounds with a .410 shotgun before hauling them over the side (and before they even break the surface, if possible), hence the name "shooters." Big halibut may also be called "barn-doors," "hogs," or "soakers." Fish smaller than 20 pounds are often referred to as "chickens" for the tender fillets they yield.
Whatever the size, we still get a thrill landing these incredible fish - and they're some of the tastiest fillets on the planet!

Book Your Halibut Charter
Seward, Alaska is one of the world's premier destinations for catching halibut, where every trip is an adventure. Book your halibut fishing trip with ProFish-n-Sea Charters, or find out more about planning your trip.
Plan Your Trip
There are a few fun and practical matters to consider before your charter. Follow the links below to find answers to your questions.